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Pre 1997


A nice race, mainly because they have quite a lot of spectators each year. I started the race to try and have a good swim. I have been working on my technique a bit (after reading a book on the subject), and as this seems to work well in the pool, I was hoping to apply this at the race. Unfortunately, this didn't work out in the first halp, but I got my act together after that, and actually managed to get back to the group in front of me. The bike portion went quite well. I rode in the company of Gino Minnebo, and we clocked the fastest time (almost 42km/h). I got off the bike in the lead, but with only a very small margin on the competitors. The race was won by a group of three guys from the Feryn team. Though I thought I was running quite well, I lost another two places in the last kilometer (just like last year - couldn't they limit the run to 10k?) So I eventually finished in sixth place.

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